Monday, September 27, 2010

Thing 8

I really enjoyed reading Wiki Wiki Teaching and reading about her experience using a wiki in the classroom.  It was such a good learning experience for the kids and it really caught on fire and made the kids catch on fire with a new learning tool.  I would like to eventually come up with a wiki that I can use with my Spanish speaking students especially in my heritage class. I think it would be great fun to be able to get the students to research their family history and their roots.
I totally enjoyed reading about other wiki projects.  They seem to have been so much fun to do and are so much fun to follow. The five that I read were very diverse. Code Blue was so cool because the Drs. gave information concerning their area of expertise and I learned a lot. I also thought it was neat to have different doctors points of view and everyone added informative commentaries to the wiki. In the Wolves Den it was nice to find the feature of a Table of Contents which included poll results, on going conversations, a Voki and educational resources available such as notes, lectures, videos, books, games and email. The wiki Schools of the Past was great to read and reminded me about of many things that were going on in the 50's and 60's. I liked the Thousands Project wiki because it was so diverse due to the diversity of questions being asked every month.  These were more fun to me than reading  blogs.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thing 7

I adopted The Adventures of Teaching and The Patio Perspective from Thing 6.  I liked the 71/2 Habits that were mentioned in the blog which gives me ideas in what to do when I begin to use what I'm learning.  I also adopted The Patio Perspective that talked about the new technology and all the new stuff we have at our hands and all it takes is for us to do it.   I also adopted a blog about cooking and I'm excited about reading from this post.  I also adopted Walden Media which tells about the latest Christian movies and how these are rated. Well, I definitely agree that commenting is extremely important because if this didn't happen then it would be strictly one sided and a waste.  I think it is very enlightening to be able to read and respond and whatever you respond is your and you can take ownership.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thing 6 continued is one of the links I was referring to in my previous blog.

Thing 6

After reading the blogs, I have decided to share concerning what I thought was interesting.  I thought it was interesting that the blogger can make the rules concerning their own blog. I also understand that inviting comments makes the blogging process much more effective. Blogs engage readers where they will usually respond and blogs demand interactions.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thing 5

Well this is my fifth blog writing and I'm suppose to relate what I have read from one of the blogs.  I chose
the NYTimes newspaper and I chose nutrition.  I read about cholesterol.  The good cholesterol  and bad cholesterol.  I also read about what I can do to get my cholesterol level down.  I need to exercise more and begin to eat more chicken, fish, and much more vegetables. Nutrition is important to me now.  It was never important to me before. Since I have lost close to 90 lbs.  I know to keep my health I need to eat, exercise and rest.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Thing 4

Well I enjoyed reading the blogs. I liked the one about giving homework or not. We have such a diversity of students and their learning abilities that it is hard to tell which kids are catching on. After many years of teaching I have discovered that for my subject area it is better to begin the assignment in class and if it isn't completed in class it is tarea.  They also know that the homework is due the next day because they had class time and time at home to get it finished.
I also liked ready the SSR blog and I would really like to be able to this but there isn't much time due to the curriculum nor computer time available.  I really found it interesting and I'm in agreement that by doing this it does make the kids aware that their voice counts and other people's opinions also count. It also teaches ownership and choice.  Of course this in turn engages the kids in a two way conversation of learning, they will probably continue this for all their lives and will get the courage to become good public speakers. This something I had a hard time with in my earlier years of school. I think that the cool thing about reading blogs is that it isn't just a one way street but conversation can go back and forth. This in turn opens up many opportunities to learn something new each and every day.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thing 1 and Thing 2

In the first blog I addressed how creating new things wasn't as difficult as I imagined. I also wrote that it was important for me to change my old school attitude.  I needed to learn to swim or sink.  I'm very glad that I have wanted to learn to swim. This is a great learning opportunity for me and I know that it will be very useful for me in the future.  Not only for school but for my personal life.  All this new technology seems overwhelming to me but I believe that as I learn it slowly I will really be more secure and get running into learning more about Web 2 tools.  I really want to.

Dale Ganas

This my first posting ever.  It isn't as hard as I thought it would be.  I still need to learn how to make the blog more interesting with color or a picture.  It has been very difficult for me to even learn how to use the computer let alone how to create anything.  I'm of the old school and we grew up being told not to touch anything and leave things alone and this outdated attitude has remained with me all these years.  I have had to make an attitude adjustment and get into the water and learn how to swim.  The water isn't as deep as I thought and thank God for people at my school that are patient with me. I'm excited about learning how to swim in this large ocean of blogging.